Vetpro® Dermacare Natuderma® Ointment

Vetpro® Dermacare Natuderma® Ointment

Natural Ayurvedic Combination of Essential Oils and Phytobioactives

Canines Felines Topical Ointment

Each 100 g contain: Cedrus deodara oil 28 500 mg, Azadirachta indica oil 12 400 mg, Oil of Millettia Pinnata (Pongamia glabra) 6 200 mg, Apis excreta 24 800 mg, Excipients 100 g

As an adjuvant in the treatment and prevention in:
- Traumatic, surgical, infected and non-infected wounds.
- Abrasions, lacerations and incisions, cuts, scratches, and bites, including interdigital injuries.
- Burns, insect bites, canker sores and skin ulcers; --Irritated skin, pruritus (itching), skin rashes,
- Pyodermas.
- Myiasis (worm).
- Dermatitis, including pyotraumatic, wet/dry eczema, dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis, scabies.
- As support in sarcoptic and psoroptic mange

Route of administration: Topical. Clean -shave if necessary- the affected part and cover it completely (together with the surrounding areas) with a layer of Vetpro® Dermacare Natuderma® Ointment liberally, two or three times a day or as directed by your Veterinarian.
Jar x 100 g, Tube x 50 g.

SENASA Registry:

This content is informative reference and should not be considered as prescriptions.

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