ChickVit® ESe OS
Microemulsified and Ballanced Association of Vitamin E with Organic Chelated Selenium

Each 100 mL contains: Vitamin E (as alpha tocopherol acetate) 5000 mg, Selenium (as Selenium AHM) 50 mg, DL-Methionine 1000 mg;
excipients q.s. ad 100 mL.
Treatment of reproductive disorders in different animal species, particularly in poultry to prevent reduced egg hatching. It provides optimum balance for deficiency cases of vitamin E and selenium, also has powerful antioxidant effect and inmune-stimulating action for the organism. Appropriate for stressful periods caused by vaccinations, heat stress or routine handling. Indicated in cases of encephalomalacia, muscular dystrophy and exudative diathesis and prevention of iron poisoning in piglets.
Poultry: 1 liter per 2000 liters of drinking wáter; Chicks (
Bottle x 1 L , Bottle x 5L, Bottle x 20L.
SENASA Registry: SENASA Perú:A.16.07.N.0085.
This content is informative reference and should not be considered as prescriptions.